Funding and Lecturer’s Research Effectiveness in Public Universities in Uganda: A Case of Kyambogo University

  • George Wilson Kasule Kyambogo University, Uganda
  • Moses Kanaabi Kyambogo University, Uganda
  • Philip Owino Kyambogo University, Uganda
Keywords: Research, Funding, Lecturer, Effectiveness, Public Universities, Uganda


Adequate research funding is vital for generating and disseminating knowledge, skills and orientations that are critical to sustainable development. This study employed a cross-sectional survey method to examine the effect of funding on lecturers’ research effectiveness at Kyambogo University as a case for other Ugandan public universities. The study target population was PhD holding lecturers at Kyambogo University. A sample of 127 was used to collect data using self-administered questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modelling. Descriptive results reveal that there is moderate level of research funding and moderate research effectiveness at Kyambogo University. Structural Equation Modelling result revealed that research funding is statistically and significantly related to Research effectiveness. It is hereby construed that when the lecturers are availed with adequate funds to conduct research, they are likely to produce quality research outputs worth publishing and presenting in national and international conferences. Since the availability of funding in a university is widely believed to determine the strengths of other capacity correlates, the study thus recommended further investigation into research funding and research effectiveness through mediated relationships by other organisational correlates. Additionally, University education policy makers and managers in Uganda should secure and commit more funds towards the research function in public universities like Kyambogo in a timely manner. 



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How to Cite
Kasule, G., Kanaabi, M., & Owino, P. (2023, May 12). Funding and Lecturer’s Research Effectiveness in Public Universities in Uganda: A Case of Kyambogo University. African Journal of Education,Science and Technology, 7(3), Pg 653-661.