Joint Influence of Water Pricing, Infrastructure Financing, Utility Efficiency and Subsidies on Financial Sustainability of Water Service Providers in Kenya
The purpose of this study was to establish the joint influence of water pricing, infrastructure financing, utility efficiency and subsidies on financial sustainability of water service providers in Kenya. The study adopted the pragmatism research philosophy using sequential mixed research design. The target population constituted senior managers in all the eighty-eight registered water service providers (WSPs) in Kenya. From the target population, a sample of 352 units were selected and a structured questionnaire used to collect quantitative data from them. Additional data was collected using interview schedule from key informants namely the Principal Secretary (PS) and Water Secretary from ministry of water, sanitation and irrigation (MWSI), the chief executive officer (CEO) Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB), and CEOs from each of the eight water works development agencies (WWDAs). Data collected, was coded, cleaned and analysed to obtain both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that water pricing, infrastructure financing, utility efficiency and subsidies had a positive joint influence on financial sustainability of WSPs in Kenya (F=13.209 (4,247df), P=0.000; R2 =0.176. Based on the finding, the study recommended the need for the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation to spearhead the implementation of an integrated approach to water management whereby, water pricing, infrastructure financing, utility efficiency and subsidy can be handled concomitantly.
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