How Student Characteristics Influence the Performance in Biology Subject in Secondary Schools in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya
Performance in Biology has continued to be poor yet it is an important subject for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and vision 2030. Poor performance would not be able to keep abreast with the opportunities and better off, face the challenges of the MDGs on science and technology and vision 2030 which are part of the competitive growing globe. This paper focuses on student characteristics that influence performance of students in Biology subject in secondary schools in Eldoret municipality. The study was conducted through an ex post facto design. A total of ten secondary schools out of 30 were selected to make up the sample. Target respondents were form three students within Eldoret municipality. The study sample made up of 200 respondents was obtained using stratified sampling, due to differences in characteristics, such as single sex schools versus mixed schools and differences in school category. Simple random sampling was used to pick the streams and specific students who participated in the study. Purposive sampling was used to obtain Biology students. The data was collected using questionnaire and interview schedule, before it was coded and analysed using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The results were presented using inferential and descriptive statistics and analysed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. It was established that student characteristics affecting performance of Biology subject in Eldoret municipality are: students‟ interest in Biology (theory and practical), ambition, attitude and ability to do practical. The study is in order with the education policy in Kenya, which emphasizes continuous development of science education. The study sought to fulfil this policy by finding areas that need improvement in performance of Biology.
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